Friday, July 10, 2009

Ideas for eating on the road

My friend Nancy is doing a lot of traveling and is looking for ideas on how to keep your lifestyle healthy. I'm going to provide some of my ideas. Everyone else please chip in!

1. Split dinners and lunches with a pal at the table.
2. If you really want to order something interesting, order it with a few people and everyone take a bite.
3. Google restaurants that are all natural, seasonal, local cuisine.
4. Ask your waiter not to use any fat other than butter or olive oil on your food.
5. Don't eat anything deep fried.
6. Carry snacks with you (this from my nutritionist) including fruits, a jar of juice, cheese, raw nuts, raw veggies and hummus. Keep it all in a small cooler that travels with you at all times.
7. Eat small meals between the big ones so you aren't as tempted.
8. Keep alcohol to a glass a day and two on Saturday.
9. Don't stop for fast food ever! Find a grocery store and have a sandwich and a piece of fruit or veggies.
10. Don't eat salads if you are hungry because you'll just be hungry again later and eat a big dessert or something. I skip salads and just get some steamed veggies with a piece of fish, lean meat or chicken. I'm more full and less tempted to cheat.

Any other ideas?


  1. All excellent suggestions! Thanks!

  2. Try to maintain good sleep habits and take lots of walks!
