Thursday, March 18, 2010

A successful dining outing!

Last night was such a rockin' success. It was Tim's birthday and our family tradition is to dine out casually on family birthdays. Tim's kids really wanted to go to the Nitty Gritty while Tim and I were hoping for Japanese sushi. He finally sided with the kids and we had a great time. I was determined to either split something with a child or eat a salad. I had a plan firmly in mind before we left, and . . . Success!

The Nitty has some really great salads, including the Vegetable Salad that includes only great veggies, 1/2 a hard-boiled egg and diced chicken, if you want it. I did. I had low-fat French dressing and a little blue cheese on the side. It was fabulous. Tim ordered deep fried cheese curds for an appetizer, so I countered with the veggie plate with ranch dressing. Once the kids were done with cheese curds, they even tried some of the veggies and were happy to have them. And, the bonus, is that the kids didn't eat all their fries because they filled up on veggies.

Other options I could have tried at the Nitty were two different kinds of veggie burgers (the Ragen and the Bean) and several lean sandwiches and a few salads (although watch out for the deep-fried chicken one).

As for weight, I'm down another 1/2 pound, which is terrific considering some of the oops mistakes I've made this week.

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