Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Yay, weight does go down

Well, I'm happy to report that my weight has gone down for the third week in a row. Not a lot, but I'll take even a pound or two. I really don't want to do this the wrong way and just get thin for the wedding and then find out that it's easy to gain it all back. Inch-by-inch, rather than hell-bent-for-leather is my preferred method.

So I am now down officially four pounds after gaining back everything I had previously lost. Time to update the ledger!

I watched the Biggest Loser last night and was a bit scared! Did anyone but me notice how ill the two top losers looked and how fat many of the others still looked? Yikes. Usually I'm so thrilled at everyone's journey, but so many had really failed to make significant inroads. Carla and Joelle both have lost some weight (Carla lost over 100 pounds), but she still has a long way to go. One of the sisters--Mandi or Aubrey—had actually gained weight since the show. But I was totally horrified at how Helen looked. I'm hoping she did eat in the past two months! Her skin hung, her skin didn't shine (at least it didn't look like it did), meanwhile the host, Allison Sweeney, looked marvelous.

I am proud of our girl Tara on the show. She really seemed to be focusing on strength and health and not being skinny. I like that. I hope she continues to lose another 5 pounds, or whatever she feels she has left and does it in a healthy way. She really seemed to be the true spokesmodel. Nicole looked good and so did Estelle, Jerry's wife. Jerry, the at-home winner, looked near death. I have to say that the horrible appearance of those two winners (Jerry far worse than Helen) seemed to contrast horribly with the excitement surrounding the weigh ins.

Today, I have a pot of Chicken Stew simmering on the stove. I put all of my edible vegetable scraps in a pot after soaking the flavor out of leftover chicken bones. It smells so great! And I clean out my veggie drawer before anything goes bad. Another reason to love a rainy day—it reminds me to make soup.

1 comment:

  1. NOt sure you can see old comments but here it goes, I too thought that the winners were ill looking. Strong and steady is an old German phrase used by Ralph's uncle who was in his 60's and kicking my ass up a high hill to an old castle in Germany. Every pound counts! Especially when it is well deserved and not just water weight. Great job! Keep up the work Lisa.
