Sunday, February 21, 2010

A few Skinny Chick/Hefty Chick comparisons.

This weekend, I was at a business class and they told us they would serve us lunch, which would be sandwiches. Woopsie! It was pizza. So I had a couple pieces. Nearby was a skinny woman who also doesn't eat any gluten and she had—no surprise here—packed her lunch. She had a beautiful spinach salad with beets, walnuts, feta cheese and a few other yummy surprises. She also had a nice piece of gluten-free banana bread and yogurt or something. I wish I had done that.

I remember when I was thin, I would NEVER have eaten at the concession stand at a hockey, football or any other game. At the hockey game the other night, I hadn't eaten, so I had a hot dog (better than Tim who had nachos, a brat, popcorn and a soda). What's up with that? Of course, it was a surprise to get the tickets and my resistance was slacking due to a Scott Ol' Fashioned (made by my friend Scott who is superb at it). What happened to just being hungry until something better came along?

So, since doing the story on Jill, I've been thinking more about what I'm going to eat during the week. I will stick to sandwiches and salads, since that's easy and yet provides lots of variety. I am going to make that walnut and beet salad because it looks so good! I'm also putting a few healthy snacks in bags tonight and keeping them in my fridge where they are easy to grab. Also water bottles filled in advance. I have those nifty metallic ones, but I think I need to put them out so they are easier to grab when the kids are around.

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