Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What Thin People Think

Yay! I'm down 2 pounds. I weighed in two days early and I'm already down 2 pounds. That's without really kicking in the exercise. It just shows what watching what you eat can do. I'm still not quite where I want to be, but a big part of that process has been started.

As some of you know, I'm not just a blog writer, but a writer in real life (as opposed to Internet life). I've recently decided to put my skills to work to help me get on top of this issue. I'm going to start interviewing Thin People because I think they live so much more differently when it comes to making choices than I do. Case in point: read Ann's comments from one entry ago. She counts calories every day, not just right after she had a baby and has been doing so since she's about 12. She also can't imagine eating in a supermarket as she shops or eating a full meal when she's already full. She just doesn't think like fat people.

I have a client who works with businesses and executives to create better communication and interpersonal skills, not to mention sales skills, and she has said to me repeatedly that it's not about what those people do that affects their behavior, it's about what they think. It's your thinking that creates your behavior. So, I'm going to mine the minds of Thin People and see what they think about and how they think about themselves and food.

If you know any thin people whom I should interview, let me know by email. I'll keep all names confidential, unless they prefer that I don't, and will post my results here. I'm also looking for previously fat people to interview who are now Thin People, to see what they noticed changing.

1 comment:

  1. It would be interesting to see their thought processes! Its an interesting project.
