Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cravings are attacking me

I'm having a lot of trouble with cravings, some of which are related to what I see others eating. The rest all seem to come up from nowhere and wreak havoc with my plans. I must admit to being hungry all of the time, as well. Last night, I was awakened by Jack, our new dog, at about 4 a.m. Once I got him settled down, I noticed that my stomach was actively growling. Now, I didn't skimp on food last night. I had edamame, a chicken breast and several steamed vegetable pot stickers (140 cal. for 6) and then, a little later, had a small bowl of chocolate frozen yogurt. I felt satisfied and was pretty happy with my meal -- totally on the fly. So why was I so hungry?

Today, I did great as well. Grapefruit without any sugar (who needs sugar on grapefruit anyway?) and then soup for lunch. I feel satisfied right now, but I know that about 3 p.m., I'll be starving. I'm trying to keep it down to a dull growl by snacking at 2 p.m. on some veggies and a protein, but by dinner time I'll definitely be hungry -- actually, probably by 5 p.m.

My friend Tracie Hittmann, a nutritionist and owner of Tracie Hittmann Nutrition, says she's been adapting an eating plan from a California scientist (at least I think it's California) and she has lost 12 pounds off her already perfect frame and never has cravings and feels great. I'm going to continue the way I have been for this weekend, then I'll weigh in on Monday and start her plan then. She says it's 180-degrees different than anything she's told me in the past. But it's especially suited for people with thyroid problems. As readers may know, I have Hashimoto's Disease, which basically means my immune system is attacking and killing my thyroid. I already have a goiter, which is an unpleasant way of saying my thyroid is enlarged.

So I'm game to try it. So far, its been a really rough time, especially living in the country and the weather too cold to get outside for much exercise other than shivering and dashing from car to house door.


  1. I may be crazy, but I remember somewhere reading that you should wake up hungry. If so, then you are doing it right and unfortunately got woke up too soon by dog. I didn't know about your thyroid problem. You are doing wonderful! Keep your head high and stay strong. It takes time to take off the weight. Sometimes getting one thing under control (your eating habits) is better than trying everything at once. So, by the time it becomes spring you will be off and exercising strong.

  2. Those sound like perfect meals - I wake up with breakfast on my mind every day because I'm so starving. It's always a drag when I accidentally stay up too late or wake up too early - I hate that growling feeling!!

    And remember - you are attempting to lose a significant percent of your body. Your body doesn't want to go away. It likes existing. It will fight you on this. Those hunger pains are the result. Good thing you can fight harder than they can.

    Regarding exercise, you might want to invest in a small in-home item - maybe you already have one - I've had great luck with one of these parked in front of the television:

  3. Thank you everyone! Tim is putting together his gym in the basement. And I'm really trying to ride my horse more often. I rode yesterday for a long time and my thighs hurt.

  4. I bought a tape 4 years ago called Walking off the pounds. You can do it in your living room. Do you like stuff like that? I might pull it out again. I am still going to PT for knee and ankle but still walking daily. I want to up my exercise to some real sweating, but hasn't happened yet because I am afraid to rush my body. But soon it will be time!

  5. By the way, I was terrible for every dinner over the weekend. Did good for breakfast and lunch, but we went to friends on Friday, had friends over on Saturday and then SuperBowl. Weekends really kill my diet.
