Saturday, January 17, 2009

Frustration! Weigh in No. 2

OK. I have made serious changes in my eating. I no longer feed until I'm full. I'm frequently hungry, in fact. I'm having much healthier breakfasts and lunches and only occasionally flub up. Yet when I weighed in today, I had only lost .2 pounds. Yes, at least it went down, but I really need to make serious weight loss changes in order to lose the weight. I need to recommit to exercise and really making changes. Rats. I had hoped I could fake it for the first few weeks, but I guess not.

OK. So here's my commitment for today. I will have a salad for at least one meal. Two-thirds of my plate will be vegetables for the meal that is not salad. I will not have dessert that isn't healthy. I will closely monitor my amounts.


  1. Grrr...darn scale. My advice: Go nuclear. Have smaller dinners than you ever thought possible. Stick to 1200 calories a day; allow yourself 1400 calories only if you exercised that day. Get comfortable with a feeling of hunger. Cut the carbs at dinner.

    You are doing everthing right so far for a "maintenance/healthy lifestyle diet"...but not for a "lose 60 lbs by October" diet. It's gonna hurt, but you'll get used to it and it will become much easier.

    You. Deserve. This.

  2. I feel for you. I am having the same results. BUT, I believe that as I mentioned before that true weight loss done the right way will not happen fast. Many diets will make you lose water weight and you will be fooled at the beginning (according to Best Life Diet-Bob Green). So, you could be doing it right and might not see results for several weeks. That is what I find to be the most challenging part is all the initial changes that is hard work and little immediate gratification. Several years ago, I made a commitment (It was the year 2000) to be healthier no matter how long it took me to lose weight. In the past I always had a specific event I wanted to lose for and it was very difficult. I actually do better when I say to myself this is a long process and it is going to take a long time (usually one year). So, back in 2000, I took off to a huge walking and yoga routine to get back moving. I focused on exercise because I was recovering from a back injury. Slow and steady exercise. I remember very clearly that I didn't see real results for about 3 months. You have time Lisa, it will happen. Keep strong and maybe change your thoughts to "Married Healthy". You will be beautiful and glowing on your wedding day. I just know you will. You have a personality and smile that will be contagious on your wedding day. I have never counted calories. I know that works for people. I just don't know how to count and am not sure I would. But, I believe in having tight restrictions when you really want to see results. So, for me that would mean I would have to keep myself really eating more veg./fruit and low carbs from breads/pasta. Yes, unfortunately, I believe exercise is going to have to be part of your routine. The more muscle you build, the more calories you burn at rest...yada yada
    I know it is only easy to say, because I still fight this, but I do believe that starving yourself for a wedding date will not keep you thin in the future. You need to make changes you can live with for the rest of your life.

  3. Best Healthy Pizza I have ever had:
    Whole wheat crust (we made our own, but you can buy one at Trader Joes)
    Saute: broc., peppers, mushrooms, asparagus, and garlic in a pan sprayed with cooking spray.
    Mix 1 cup of pizza sauce and 2 T of olive spread (found at Trader Joes)
    put sauce on pizza and veggies and 2 ounces of mozz. cheese. Bake for 15-20 minutes
    YUMMY!! We had it last night and after eating well all week, it tasted like I was cheating on the diet.

  4. Thanks so much guys. Ann, you're right. I've got a goal and meeting a goal is good. Nancy, you're also right. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going guerrilla for a few months -- until May or so -- see if I can lose a chunk of weight. Then taper off so that I'm just losing a pound or two to finish up. I'm going to post what I ate all day on the blog. No fibbing.

    So far today, I had Cottage cheese, undetermined amount. A donut -- I know, I know -- some airpopped popcorn and a bit of chicken. As you can see, not all that balanced. For dinner, I'm having a small potatoe, chicken and broccoli. The rest of the fam is having pork chops. I'll even look up calories and have a giant book which should help. Thanks for your support.

  5. Woops. I'm now rereading and seeing Ann's suggestion to cut carbs for dinner. I'm going to do it. Limit carbs to breakfast or lunch and not both. I love carbs, but this guerrilla diet is only for three months. I can ease them back in to more meals once I'm sensible again.

  6. I am your Jillian and Nancy is your Bob.
