Monday, February 16, 2009


Well, hopped on the scale and all is fine. Also talked to my nutritionist. She explained that just prior to illness or at the start of illness, your body will retain water in an effort to stock up for all onslaughts. I was sick on Saturday night and Sunday. In addition, hormone fluctuations can cause water retention, and with my thyroid disease and perimenopausal state, it's no wonder there's some issues. Here's a little more info about bloating causes.

At any rate, the kids are gone and with a little bit of sadness is feelings of peace. Now I can eat what I want. No need to sit down for a full meal. I can have five small meals a day without the stress of constantly explaining to the children why we're eating this way. Now, I think I will be able to gradually move them into that phase. In fact, when they get home, they already have a small meal. Fruit, usually, plus a smoothie or a granola bar of some sort. What I'd like them to have is veggies and yogurt dip with some string cheese. They love edamame as well. Last week, we had vegetarian pot stickers from Trader Joe's about three times -- it's great when I'm in a rush. Five pieces are 270 calories. There are 10 fat grams (1.5 g. is saturated fat), 5 grams of dietary fiber, 5 grams of protein, but 600 mg. of sodium, which is a little much. We use the low-salt soy sauce that is all organic, but still, it's pushing it. The oils are soybean oil and sesame oil, which are not the oils recommended by my nutritionist that I eat for my thyroid condition. I do love Trader Joe's in that they have a spot on their Web site where you can see what's in their food. Click here to see it.

I just had lunch, and it included a piece of sourdough bread, chicken, a piece of cheese and some pea pods. For breakfast I had a few gulps of a smoothie, some cottage cheese and an orange.

Take care!

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