Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fueling with Vitamins

Well, one thing I love about my new way of eating is making sure that I am pumping enough vitamins into my system. So I get to really feel good about what I'm eating and truly thinking about it as fuel instead of nurturing myself. Sweet potatoes, beets, squash, pumpkin, collards, spinach, lamb, venison and bug-eating chicken all taste so delicious to me, especially now that they are full of nutrients. Yesterday for dinner, I had a small lamb chop, about 1 oz. of cheese and some sweet potatoe mash. Yum!

My nutritionist also suggested that I start using Gelatin since I have been having a lot of joint pain. She said that not only does it work better than glucosamine chondroitin, but it also balances out amino acids in your body. In the olden days, people often cooked with bones -- they used everything! Today people cook much less often with bones, so are missing those key nutrients. Adding Gelatin to juice or a broth can really help, she says. I'm willing to try it and will be buying some today.

One thing I have noticed while watching the Biggest Loser is that you can see who is going to lose weight and who won't just by watching their faces. You can see who is determined and who is just sitting back and phone it in. I really admire Tara. Even when she's not working as hard, she still works harder than everyone else. But my real takeaway from last night is that when she worries about her lackluster partner, Laura, she doesn't do as well. It saps her energy and demotivates her. I've also noticed that in my life. In areas where I'm already doing well, such as staying organized, writing, public relations, horses, relationships, etc., I do really, really well helping others. But in areas where I struggle (finance and weight), I get completely off-course when I try to help others. You might notice that while I try to provide some information in my blog, most of it is about me. That's also why I appreciate all the comments from Nancy and Ann on this blog, as well as the emails I get from friends and the phone and personal support from my nutritionist, Tracie Hittman. I have nothing to give others in this area, so I have to be a bit of a taker right now. But believe me, when I'm fit and have licked this issue, I'll be ready to give!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, I am a new client of Tracie's! If you ever want to get together and cook, compare meal ideas/plans, etc...I am your woman! I wish you the best on your health journey!
