Saturday, February 14, 2009


Well, I hopped on the scale this afternoon, and it reads as if I've gained back 5 pounds. I did have a couple cupcakes on Friday, but can that really change everything? I feel as if I were fairly good this week, but apparently not good enough. I still think quantity is a big deal. And the fact that I was stuck at home with a sick child this week.

At first I felt very frustrated, but I'm going to persevere and realize that this is a mind thing, and it's a journey. I read the comment by Ann on the previous blog entry and it really had a lot of good tips on how to handle being the mom (or stepmom) at home. It's really coming down to not having junk in the house until I can resist the temptation better (that might be never!).

On a good note, I resisted the temptation to stop and grab something to eat when I was hungry today after the garden show. I went home and had some cold chicken, a small piece of cheese and some cherry tomatoes. I also rode my horse for an hour this afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Well that's just a major bummer. Do you have a good scale? Do you weigh yourself naked first thing in the morning? I would suggest weighing in every single morning.

    No, don't blame the cupcakes. A pound is 3500 calories, so unless you had about 60 cupcakes...

    There's something bigger going on here.

    I think you're having healthy food, just too much of it. And keep in mind, you've been used to eating enough food to make your body gain weight - you said 30 pounds in recent months. So maybe now you're finally eating the right amount to maintain your weight. It's going to be another huge step down if you want to lose weight.

    Your nutritionist won't like this, but I think you might need to take "Lisa's decision making" out of the equation for a couple weeks and maybe eat a Lean Cuisine for dinner every night. I've also had good luck with a Zone bar + glass of skim milk.

    Of course this isn't sustainable for life - but it might help you get used to eating very small dinners, which will help you in the long run. And seeing movement on that darn scale is HIGHLY motivational!!
